Whistle Recall is great for calling your dog from a distance. To start with just blow a whistle with the dog beside you – I give three peeps – then give your dog a yummy treat – the yummier the better for this. Move away a step and blow the whistle – the dog should move towards you – give the treat. Then move a bit further away each time – blow the whistle and give the treat when the dog gets to you. Do it in all parts of the house from room to room – inside to outside. All the dog has to do is go to you to get a treat. The dog associates the whistle with a really yummy treat and should recall every time.
Try it outside on a longline – blow the whistle and as the dog comes towards you walk backwards encouraging all the time then give the treat. Practise at least three times a day before you try it outside without the longline. This is great for at the beach when the sound of your voice is carried away by the sound of the sea or the wind – the dog will always hear the whistle. The whistle never sounds angry so the dog will never be afraid to recall.
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